

24 Dec: Setting Goals or Creating Habits?

It’s the time of year where everyone starts to think about change, about giving up bad habits and creating new positive habits. Traditionally at New Year we think about how this year will be different, we are filled with hope, optimism and excitement.

Unfortunately the statistics for New Year Resolution success are poor. Apparently only 18% of people succeed with their New Year’s Resolutions. There are a number of reasons why this happens but mainly because people don’t understand the if there are setting a goal or attempting for form a new habit.

03 Jul: Are you Busy with The Vital Few?

The Pareto Principal is widely used in business and sales, where the sales experts have observed that 80% of Revenue comes from 20% of their clients and 20% of Product ranges tend to give 80% of profits. When it comes to the world of Productivity we can often see that 20% of what we do gives us 80% of our results…..