Whether you’re traveling for work, commuting, or simply living a nomadic lifestyle, working on the go requires a bit of skill, adaptability, and organisation. There are numerous varying factors that play into one’s success at adventuring, and doing business. Here are three top tips for staying productive while on the go.
Pack On-the-Go Essentials
Preparation keeps you equipped for any scenario. Stationary workplaces, such as your home office or your workplace supply you with all the necessities. They provide you with all the bits and pieces you need for work and ensure they stay within arm’s reach. Traveling eliminates the luxury of having abundant stationary supplies or extra tech that you may not have considered in advance.
Working on the go requires you to work with what you have on hand. Over the years of I have created a list of essential items that I need for work when I am travelling. I keep this checklist in my Evernote so I’m ready for action. I love this list of essentials for women on the go which will help prepare you with a portable supply of necessities. From charging packs and stationery to personal care products, these items make working on the move easier and more productive.
Plan for Offline Work
Along with changing your workspace, working out of the office also affects your internet connection, especially when you are travelling. Nowadays, many public spaces provide Wi-Fi but their Wi-Fi sometimes lacks strength and quality, making it hard to be sure of your connection or even provide a secure network. While there is always your hotspot through your phone, some locations are dead zones that provide no connectivity at all.
Planning ahead for poor connections ensures you still get some work done regardless of the status of your Wi-Fi. If you are travelling before you go make sure you download documents to your desktops, you could even write emails to be sent later or do other tasks that don’t require an internet connection. Planning and organising your work diary in advance around when you will need wifi and when you can work offline will keep you working effectively during your travels.
Create an Itinerary Around Your Productivity
Are you a morning person, or do you get your surge of motivation after lunch? People’s spike of energy and times of maximum focus vary. Creating an itinerary around your most productive hours optimises your time. It ensures you remain free to work when you’re most in the zone while balancing other activities on your schedule. Giving yourself a dedicated allotted time for work that coincides with your productivity levels maximises your time and work performance. meaning you will still get get plenty of work done when time is scarce.
The key to maintaining productivity while on the go is proper preparation. Readying yourself with the right essentials and plans of action ensures you get your work done and do it effectively. No matter where you are or how you’re traveling, you should make sure you’re ready to work on the move. This will boost your work performance and even help you develop numerous handy life skills.